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The Scots Hall

In 2011, after much prayer, planning and waiting for the right time, the new hall complex was completed. 


Inside the complex we have two halls, a kitchen and toliets (including disabled toilets).


Any queries relating to the renting of The Scots Hall should be sent to:


Please don't call the Minister, she will just point you to the email above.


Here is information on some of the current renters:

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an exercise system that is based on an old Chinese martial art. Today it is mainly practised for its health improving qualities. Some of its exercises are done slow, others fast. Some are done sitting down, others involve standing still, others require moving on your own or with a partner.


Beginners learn to increase the quality of their breathing, the stability and balance in their legs, and basic movements that loosen the back, increase blood circulation and develop coordination.

It doesn't require any special equipment or uniform. If you can stand up and move around, you can practice Tai Chi.


Beginner level classes are held on Tuesdays, 7-8pm


Contact Owen for more details or to book a place by phoning/text at 086-8825 662 or email

Master Ding Academy Tai Chi Chuan: Strong Body, Still Mind.

MDA Ireland offers instruction in tai chi chuan in a range of locations across Dublin. Classes are tight in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere where all students are able to learn at their own pace. Classes are suitable for all levels. Chi kung, form and pushing hands. Regular workshops and master classes a held throughout the year with the opportunity to explore more deeply the fundamental principles and concepts within this fascinating discipline.


Friday 6:30 - 10:00pm


Contact Ross Cousens at for details.

Mother and Baby Yoga

Mother and baby yoga is a wonderful way to bond with your baby while getting back in shape.
The class focuses on re-building core strength and toning muscles as well as relieving tension in areas such as the neck and shoulders.  We also practice breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. The class is open to mothers after their postpartum check-up until their babies are actively crawling. Babies are involved in some of the postures and beside you on a blanket for others.  It's a great way to meet other new moms in a sociable environment.

Monday 11:00 to 12:00 pm


Contact Neasa- Tel: 087 616 6524 email: web:

Hatha Yoga (Various Levels)

Hatha Yoga is a unique form of exercise which has wonderful physical and emotional benefits. It is both a physical and mental discipline that helps to achieve peacefulness of body and mind. In a hatha class we practise yoga postures that help to increase strength flexibility and tone the body.  We also do breathing exercise that quieten the mind and help relieve stress.  Each hatha yoga class finishes with a deep relaxation session.  


Tuesday         7:45 - 8:45pm   Level 1/2


Wednesday  8:00 - 9:15pm   Level 2/3


Contact Neasa- Tel: 087 616 6524 email: web:

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga is the perfect exercise for pregnant women. It helps promote a healthy pregnancy, helps with posture, reduces anxiety and stress and can aid with labour. It's also a great place to meet other pregnant women.The class includes yoga postures to keep the body supple, pelvic floor exercises, breathing techniques and a relaxation at the end.


Tues 6:30-7:45 pm


Contact Neasa- Tel: 087 616 6524 email: web:

Baby Sensory

Baby Sensory was the first (and original) baby programme to offer a complete approach to learning and sensory development from birth to 13 months. Designed to stimulate, educate and provide precious memories during the all-important first year of life.


What makes Baby Sensory unique is that every activity has been designed to stimulate your baby’s senses and move development and learning forwards. And behind every Baby Sensory session, there’s an incredibly detailed lesson plan backing up everything your baby touches, sees, hears, smells and feels!


Baby Sensory provides ideas for creative play, massage, tummy time, movement, and music, in simple practical ways that can easily be repeated at home. We also use a combination of original and traditional songs and rhymes to develop early speech and language skills, and sensory signing activities to help you and your baby communicate from birth.


Classes on every Tuesday morning.


Please see for more details.

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